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Health Professions Linkage Agreements


在Agnes Scott符合条件的本科后和硕士课程的学生被我们的一个联动项目录取,可以在Agnes Scott完成他们的课程后进入相应的医学院.

具有较强学术资格的学生进入正规博彩十大网站排名的合格课程之一, 谁在入学期间继续在学业上和志愿者实习中取得成功, 是否会被邀请根据他们的整体兴趣申请特定的联动项目.

通过我们的一个联动项目进入医学院是由相应的医学院决定的, and is contingent upon medical school requirements, continued high academic achievement, and performance on the MCAT.


Important facts about linkage programs:

  • 符合条件的学生在正规博彩十大网站排名的课程中只能申请一个联动.
  • If invited to apply and if accepted into a linkage program, students are required to commit to enroll in that program.
  • The number of students participating in a linkage program varies from year to year, and depends on the medical school admission requirements in a given year. 
  • 邀请参加申请链接取决于你的本科课程以及你在艾格尼丝·斯科特的工作. 一些联动项目要求最终的MCAT成绩作为医学院录取的考虑因素.
  • Minimum GPA requirements are set by each medical school for a given year. 参考你选择的学校的入学要求来确定你的资格.

Agnes Scott partners with the following institutions through linkage agreements:

目前就读于我们的学士学位后或医学硕士课程的合格学生保证参加我们的医师助理研究课程*的面试, with the possibility of reaching their goal of becoming a physician assistant.

  • Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Accelerated
  • Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Bridge
  • Medical Sciences Accelerated 

Please note: Applicants to this linkage are not guaranteed direct admission. Full details can be found here.


*Agnes Scott学院已申请医师助理教育评审委员会(ARC-PA)的临时认证。. 正规博彩十大网站排名学院PA项目预计将于2025年10月录取第一批学生, pending achieving Accreditation - Provisional status at the June 2025 ARC-PA meeting. 认证-临时认证是在计划和资源分配时授予的认证状态, if fully implemented as planned, 对于尚未招收学生的拟议项目,似乎表明该项目有能力满足ARC-PA标准,或者当一个项目持有认证时,临时状态似乎表明在为第一批学生的毕业做准备时,在遵守标准方面取得了持续进展.


  • Participating Post-Bacc programs include:
    • Pre-Med Accelerated
    • Pre-Med Bridge


*请注意:艾格尼丝·斯科特的学生不能保证进入这个联动项目. Students who meet MUSM's admission requirements are allowed to apply, 与普通医学院申请周期一样,由MUSM招生委员会选出候选人.


  • Post-Bacc programs include:
    • Pre-Med Accelerated
    • Pre-Med Bridge
  • Master's programs include:
    • Medical Sciences Accelerated 

符合MSM确定的入学学历的合格学生也必须致力于医学, Georgia, and serving underserved populations.

*请注意:艾格尼丝·斯科特本科后和研究生不保证被录取到这个联动项目. 符合上述资格要求的学生可以申请联动. 与普通医学院的申请周期一样,候选人由MSM录取委员会挑选.

学生参加我们的参与学士或硕士课程攻读骨科医学, 符合费城骨科医学院(PCOM)规定的特定资格, are invited to apply into the PCOM Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) linkage program.

  • Post-Bacc programs include:
    • Pre-Med Accelerated
    • Pre-Med Bridge
  • Master's programs include:
    • Medical Sciences Accelerated


*请注意:艾格尼丝·斯科特本科后和研究生不保证被录取到这个联动项目. 符合上述资格要求的学生可以申请联动. Candidates are selected by the PCOM admission committee just as in a regular D.O. school application cycle.


  • Post-Bacc programs include:
    • Pre-Med Accelerated
    • Pre-Med Bridge
    • Pre-Allied Health
  • Master's programs include:
    • Medical Sciences Accelerated

请注意:艾格尼丝·斯科特本科后和研究生不保证被录取到这个联动项目. Students who meet PCSP's admission requirements are allowed to apply, 和普通医学院申请周期一样,由PCSP招生委员会选出候选人.

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